Beauty has been immortalized in history, and it was the goal of everyone and the basic endeavor that everyone aspires to, whether men or women. They all aspired to improve the appearance of the face or its features, and their primary goal was to remove the effects of aging, and restore vitality, freshness, and eternal youth, as the beauty experts at Dar Al-Shifa Investment Hospital harness the latest technological methods and techniques. To provide the best results in the world of cosmetics.
Facial plastic surgery helps you correct blemishes and adjust the proportions of a particular area that causes you discomfort. This can improve your features, improve the contours of your face, and fix bumps, swellings, or other things that reduce self-confidence.
Plastic surgery also helps to deal with the effects of aging, which affects the appearance of the skin and complexion or causes the formation of sagging folds on the face and neck, which are the most common signs of facial aging. Loss of skin elasticity and volume also leads to signs of aging from the chin line.
At Dar Al Shifa Investment Hospital, plastic surgery specialists offer an exclusive range of surgical and non-surgical procedures that will help you achieve your cosmetic goals and get rid of the signs of aging on your face.

Cosmetic procedures to combat facial aging and give freshness and a bright appearance at Dar Al Shifaa Investment Hospital:

We believe that plastic surgery is a balance between art and science that helps everyone achieve the desired appearance. Below is a list of the facial cosmetic treatments we specialize in:
• Botulinum: Better known by the term Botox, it is a minimally invasive procedure that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes on the face, and is often used to tighten the skin.
• Fillers or filler needles for smile lines, cheeks, lips, and cheeks.
• Plasma needles for freshness, hair loss treatment, and hand rejuvenation.
• Mesotherapy needles to lighten and freshen the skin, in addition to hair meso.
• Removal of warts, corns, moles and polyps with cutters.
• Chemical peeling for acne, skin pigmentation and freshness.
• Hair removal by laser.
• Cleansing the skin using a hydrofacial device.
• Freshness and tightening of deep collagen using the HIFU device.
• Rhinoplasty: You can undergo a rhinoplasty to sculpt the nose according to the new appearance to increase the vitality of the face. Obtaining natural-looking results requires competence and experience, which is exactly what our team ensures in every anti-aging procedure.

Things to remember:
• Care after facial surgery may require a stay in the hospital for a period ranging from a few hours to two days.
• Bandages are placed on the face after tightening it for at least 48 hours to stabilize the deep tissues and muscles in their new position.

• Candidates are suggested to keep the head elevated for a few weeks after surgery. It is necessary to avoid any side positions while sleeping to avoid putting pressure on the wounds.
• Facial swelling and mild bruising may persist for up to two weeks after the procedure.
• It takes about six months to notice final results.
• Remember, rest is essential for your recovery and healing after a facial anti-aging procedure.
• Commitment to wearing a facial corset for a period of no less than 6 weeks

Dar Al Shifa Investment Hospital offers a customized approach to facial cosmetic procedures for each person. Our highly experienced plastic surgery experts are dedicated to providing results that exceed your expectations. The use of the latest technological methods and techniques ensures minimal scarring and best results. Exceptional support, aftercare, and attention to detail help you develop a new sense of self-confidence as you age.
Visit Dar Al Shifa Investment Hospital for procedures that challenge facial aging and improve the natural appearance of your face to enjoy life with a new look, greater energy and vitality. You can call 6706 to book an appointment and conduct the necessary consultations.