Intensive Care Unit (ICU):
The Intensive Care Unit is a specialized unit in Dar Al-Shifaa Hospital. It is responsible for providing comprehensive and continuous care for patients who suffer from critical or unstable disease conditions. Furthermore, the ICU manages critical cases of patients who are admitted to the hospital in various specialties such as accident injuries and critical heart conditions.
The services provided to patients whose conditions are ranged from unstable to critical illness also determined based on a set of guidelines that have been carefully formulated for the unit’s staff, in order to ensure that the criteria for admission from the ICU are clear and understandable.
The unit includes a distinguished group of specialized medical monitoring devices separately for each patient separately. It is equipment such as a ventilator inhaler are available and the unit is also containing with a bed sore prevention device. Healthcare professionals work in the intensive care unit provide curative services and intensive medical observation to patients around the clock, seven days a week.